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  • [简历]英文简历里的职位说明
  • 更新时间:2015-7-9 0:00:00
  •     1、A responsible administrative position which will provide challenge and freedom where I can bring my initiative and creativity into full play. 


        2、An executive assistant position utilizing interests, training and experience in office administration. 


        3、A position in management training programs with the eventual goal of participating in the management rank of marketing. 


        4、An entry-level position in sales. Eventual goal; manager of marketing department. 


        5、A position requiring analytical skills in the financial or investment field. 


        6、To begin as an accounting trainee and eventually become a manager. 


        7、An entry-level position in an accounting environment, which ultimately leads to financial management. 


        8、A position as data-processing manager that will enable me to use my knowledge of computer systems. 


        9、An entry-level position responsible for computer programming. 


        10、Administrative assistant to an executive where short-hand and typing skills will be assets. 


        11、A position which will utilize my educational background in biology, with prospects of promotion. 


        12、A position in charge of management training programs. 


        13、Responsible managerial position in human resources. 


        14、A position in Foreign Trade Department, with opportunities for advancement to management position in the department. 


        15、An administrative secretarial position where communication skills and a pleasant attitude toward people will be assets. 


        16、A position as a design engineer in an engineering department. 


        17、Looking for a position as a computer programmer with a medium-sized firm. 


        18、To serve as sales promoter in a multinational corporation with a view to promotion in position and assignment in parent company s branch abroad. 


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